
ETAS Academy

Principles and explanations discuss key topics and concepts of EHANDBOOK Container-Build to provide useful background information.

  • Fundamental Concepts of ECU Software outlines the generic concepts behind EHANDBOOK through which the application software of automotive embedded control units is can be typically described.

  • EHANDBOOK Container-Build Principles describes the key principles based on which input data EHANDBOOK can describe an automotive ECU software.

  • Model Languages provides an overview on the model languages supported for deriving interactive models in EHANDBOOK

  • Automotive standards provides an overview on the automotive standards supported in EHANDBOOK Container-Build

  • Setup describes where to download and obtain the EHANDBOOK Container-Build tools, how to install them, how to set up license keys, etc.

  • Supported platforms provides an overview for which platforms EHANDBOOK Container-Build tools are available.

  • Integrations describes how EHANDBOOK Container-Build integrates into various environments. There are several ETAS and third-party tools for which out-of-the box integrations are available. Furthermore, EHANDBOOK Container-Build tools can be integrated in various environments.