Known Issues


Issues with model path containing special characters

Screenshots and model linking will be missing for Simulink subsystem names containing back slashes or forward slashes. Model linking will be missing for Simulink subsystem or ASCET hierarchy names containing dots.

For Simulink blocks when "Auto" mode is on, block names are always shown. This behavior might be different when compared to Simulink.

Simulink Annotation blocks with rich text formatting might look a bit blurred or fuzzy in the documentation when the used text font is small or annotation block is generated without enabling rich text extraction option.For details refer Simulink rich text annotations as text When styling is applied for the text of Simulink annotation blocks, the displayed text might have different appearance. There are certain limitations in the rendering of the following stylings:

  • Right alignment of text

  • Table appearance

  • Hidden text due to overlapping whitespaces


PDF generation failure

Provide output directory name and path (-o option) case sensitive that is in sync with OS. If case insensitive, PDF generation fails.