How to provide attachments to EHB-CB

Attachments are files associated to a documentation unit in particular a chapter in EHANDBOOK. This can be a general text chapter, a function description or a software component description.

Depending on the EHANDBOOK Container-Build approach, this can be achieved in the following ways.

Directory Based EHB-CB

In the directory-based EHB-CB approach, all files which shall be added as attachments must be stored in a sub-directory named _attachments. During EHANDBOOK Container-Build, the files are picked up and added as attachments.

Tqs (1)
|_ Tqs.adoc (2)
|_ Tqs.slx (3)
|_ Tqs.xslx (4)
|_ _attachments (5)
  |_ Tqs_Calibration_Guide.pdf (6)
  |_ Tqs_Initial_Calibration_Values.dcm (6)
  |_ Tqs_Variables_List.lab (6)
1 Directory for documentation unit Tqs
2 Textual documentation in AsciiDoc format
3 Simulink model (source for interactive model)
4 Excel file with function interface and label description
5 Sub-directory _attachments for attachments for the documentation unit
6 File to be attached

Folders with name _attachments are not interpreted as documentation units and ignored from further processing.


In the ASAM-based EHB-CB approach, an <ABLOCK> with category ATTACHMENTS has to be created and linked to the documentation chapter to which the attachments shall be associated.

The 'ABLOCK' then has to list each file that represents an attachment.

<ABLOCK> (1)
        <AREF ID-REF="ID_Tqs_Attachments" /> (2)

<ABLOCK ID="ID_Tqs_Attachments"> (3)
        <FILE>_attachments\Tqs_Calibration_Guide.pdf</FILE> (4)
        <FILE>_attachments\Tqs_Initial_Calibration_Values.dcm</FILE> (4)
        <FILE>_attachments\Tqs_Variables_List.lab</FILE> (4)
1 ABLOCK of the documentation unit to which attachments shall be associated
2 Reference to the ABLOCK specifying the attachments
3 ABLOCK with category ATTACHMENTS
4 File to be attached


  • Duplicate files are not supported by attachments. For example, if you specify two ABLOCKS with category ATTACHMENTS and associate both ABLOCKS with the same function component, then any duplicate attachments will be ignored (see log file).