Intended Use

Function and application of ETAS EHANDBOOK

ETAS EHANDBOOK is a solution for the interactive documentation of automotive ECU software. The purpose is to make automotive ECU software faster and easier to understand. This is achieved by providing so-called "interactive models" for ECU functions as well as features which link the interactive models and other content to other development tools and data, e.g. measurement and calibration tools such as ETAS INCA or MDA 8.

Intended use

EHANDBOOK tools are to be used by trained engineers who develop and/or calibrate automotive ECU software.

Types of use

  1. The EHANDBOOK Container-Build tools are to be used as part of an integrated build process (command-line), with graphical user interface, by a single end user or in an automated build environment.

  2. The tools EHANDBOOK Container-Build Toolbox for ASCET/Simulink are to be used as add-ons for ASCET 6/ASCET-DEVELOPER or MATLAB/Simulink

  3. The tool EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR is to be used as an end-user application on his Microsoft Windows based computer (PC or laptop).