ASCET-DEVELOPER is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for model-based design and auto c-code generation for embedded systems.

ASCET-DEVELOPER enables software engineers to build high-performance, safe and secure embedded software with low overheads and which is easily maintainable. ASCET-DEVELOPER is designed for engineering software in high volumes, according to industry and safety standards, and offering variants at low costs.

ASCET-DEVELOPER models use Embedded Software Development Language (ESDL) with either text or graphic editors.

Key Feature: Modeling

ASCET-DEVELOPER allows you to easily combine texts and graphics suiting your programming needs. There are different possibilities for modeling your logic, enabling you to work as efficiently as you like. Therefore you have four choices of specification:

  • Graphic specification using Block Diagram

  • Graphic specification using State Machine Editor

  • Textual specification using ESDL Editor

  • Textual specification using C Code Editor

The ASCET-DEVELOPER IDE (Integrated Development Environment) showing graphical and textual models


The efficient calibration of electronically controlled vehicle functions requires a comprehensive understanding of the logical structure and mutual dependencies of the functions. ASCET-DEVELOPER provides a direct integration of the EHANDBOOK Container-Build tool-chain such that interactive ECU software documentation can be directly generated for apps developed in ASCET-DEVELOPER.

Key benefits

  • Direct integration of EHANDBOOK Container-Build tool-chain through customized Eclipse launch configuration

  • Automatic extraction of label and interface information from ASCET-DEVELOPER source model

  • AsciiDoc-enabled support for "docs-as-code" and "docs-together-with-code":

    • "Docs-as-code": Textual documentation can be developed together with models using same collaboration principles and tools (e.g., Git-based version control systems; collaboration using pull requests)

    • "Docs-together-with-code": Textual documentation be associated with ASCET-DEVELOPER models and can automatically converted to EHANDBOOK