

Missing Long Names in Systemconstant Table

Long names are missing in Systemconstant table when long names are not available in SYSVAL file.

File Format in UTF-8 only

All the inputs besides XML files (ASAM-EX) should be UTF-8 compliant.

Missing Word Wrapping within Tables in PDF Document

Longer words which are present in a table cell, are not wrapped rather they are cut unequally and fed into next line.

Functional Components Models must have unique Names

Functional components containing more than one model, with same model name results in overwriting of artifacts. Model names in functional components must be unique.

Functional Components must have unique Short-Names

Functional components with same name are not supported. This is relevant to ASAM-based product.

RTF File Size Limit

Due to heap space memory constrains in EHB-CB, the file size of an RTF document is limited to 120 MB. If the file is bigger, it is excluded from the container generation and an error message is written into the log file.

Any kind of formatting texts (italics, bold etc.) present in the links (URL macro, Auto links, and link macro) in AsciiDoc documentation are not represented correctly by Container-Build.

The usage of LaTeX mode as text in Simulink is not supported

Usage of TeX mode in port_label and disp command is not supported during mask generation. It is supported when using option Simulink Block Decorations as Image: simulink-mask-decorations-as-image

MATLAB Workspace or mat-Files are not processed

Any variables defined in a MATLAB workspace or content of *.mat files, which are belonging to a model are not taken into consideration during model conversion or mask generation.

Any signal attributes (e.g. Port Data Types) shown in Simulink with Information Overlays are not shown and supported. Further reading:

Mask Icons Generation takes longer using MATLAB 2019a onwards

Mask icon generation time has increased by a factor of up to 3 when a model generated from any Simulink version is run on MATLAB 2019a and above versions. This is a limitation of MATLAB itself.

Typically while processing Simulink Annotations which contain rich text, only the textual content is extracted and displayed in EHANDBOOK Navigator. However associated formatting/styling is not applied.


Model Linking is not possible for Class Definitions

For model screenshots of ASCET class block diagrams, there is no possibility to open a corresponding interactive model. I.e., the button "Open Interactive Model" is not available for model screenshots embedded in the textual documentation. The reason for this is that interactive models in EHANDBOOK are instance models, i.e. it contains instances of ASCET classes and their block diagrams. Due to the reusable concept of ASCET classes, there can be multiple instances for an ASCET class in an interactive model. As there is no clear relation between the model screenshot of the ASCET class and a concrete instance in the interactive model, EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR does not offer a direct navigation.