Version 11.1 (June 2023)

PDF Support

  • Integrate PDF content into your EHANDBOOK Container.

  • Display PDF content seamlessly in EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR.

  • Use selection and copy as usual and include PDF content into your search.

Importing Bookmarks From Previous Versions

  • Easily transfer bookmarks from older versions on first tool start.

  • Keep Bookmarks on uninstallation.

A2L Encoding Selection

  • EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR proposes matching encodings, ordered by match quality.

  • Manually change the encoding, e.g. when using special characters.

Number Formatting Options

  • Configure display of values (number of decimal places, trailing zeros).

  • Decide whether to use externally given formats.


Support for MATLAB version 2022b

EHANDBOOK 11.1 now supports Simulink models (*.slx) created with MATLAB 2022b.

Stateflow chart blocks containing textual child entity elements such as comments and labels are made expandable.

Simulink stateflow chart blocks

Simulink models with the extension .mdl are not supported in EHANDBOOK for MATLAB version R2021a and beyond. But .slx can be used instead.

In order to speed-up container generation, the implementation for collecting Simulink paths required for the model is improved.

Generate documentation from PDF input sources

EHANDBOOK Container-Build 11.1 can now generate documentation from PDF as input sources. For details, refer to How to support PDF input source

Support for signed measurement values

With EHANDBOOK 11.1, all signed measurement values are shown as without converting them to unsigned values.

Support for Admonition blocks in AsciiDoc files

Admonition blocks such as NOTE, TIP, IMPORTANT, WARNING, CAUTION in AsciiDoc files are now converted by EHANDBOOK Container-Build and displayed in EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR.

Support for non name based signal communication

For details, refer to Support for cross domain projects