Cursor Synchronization with Vector CANape

EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR supports the feature of cursor synchronization with a CANape project. It has the capability to establish a connection with a running CANape application and provides a seamless synchronization of Global and Difference cursors from CANape’s measurement windows to model editor in EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR during the offline measurement analysis.


Before connecting a CANape project to EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR, make sure the following two conditions are met

  • The CANape application must be started in the non-modal, remote mode which means the user would be able to make changes in CANape application (move around time cursors) and the CANape application is able to communicate with EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR (an external application). This can be achieved by launching the CANape application with a couple of additional settings. The CANape exe should be started with additional -u argument in the Target: and the setting for Start in: should be set to the project to be worked upon.

  • The CANape project under work must have the setting Global Measurement Cursor enabled. Only then, the information about Measurement and Difference cursor will be transferred and shown in the EHANDBOOK NAVIGATOR.


If you are using EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR in Basic Mode (EHANDBOOK_NAVIGATOR_BASIC) or in Full Mode (EHANDBOOK_NAVIGATOR), connectivity for CANape is not supported. In order to use this feature, you need to procure an additional add-on license (EHANDBOOK_NAVIGATOR_CANAPE). For further information, see the License Feature Overview and ETAS Contacts on how to get an evaluation license or purchase a license.

Compatibility of EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR with CANape:
EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR 13.0 is compatible with CANape 21.0 for the cursor synchronization feature.


  • The user is responsible for setting up the CANape project properly before connecting to EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR.

  • The user is responsible for correctly loading EHANDBOOK containers compatible with the corresponding CANape project.

  • The user is responsible for correctly choosing the measurement files for the corresponding CANape project.

Use Case

When a user loads the measurement file in CANape and then connects using EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR, the results can be viewed/inspected in either EHANDBOOK or CANape products. Complimenting to the use-case of showing and moving the time cursors in CANape’s measurement window, EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR offers the following benefits:

  • Shows values for a single point in time

  • Shows the interdependency of signals in interactive models (how the values are created)

  • Simultaneously use signal path highlighting to show the interdependency of signals in the interactive models

Connecting to CANape

  • On CANape, Start CANape application following the Prerequisites and then load the measurement file in CANape project. Connecting to a running CANape application and loaded CANape project is the first step in establishing a link with a CANape application and acquiring cursors from the project.

  • On EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR, load the same measurement file as loaded in the CANape project. Load a corresponding container and open an interactive model in the Model Viewer.

It is your responsibility to set up a suitable CANape project and application. EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR establishes a connection to the selected project workspace and application.

A single connection established with CANape is applicable for all the interactive models displayed in multiple Model Viewers.

Configuring the Data Source to get Cursors

To connect to an existing CANape application:

  • Go to Data menu and select CANape (Cursor Sync).



  • Select CANape (Cursor Sync) in the Data Source drop-down menu on the status bar.


The CANape (Cursor Synchronization) dialog box is displayed with relevant information. If all the above Prerequisites are satisfied, then the image shown below is displayed and connection is established with CANape. If the connection is not established, an error message(s) with relevant information are shown.

  • Click Load to load the measurement file and get ready for the synchronization of cursors from CANape.

  • Select the correct hardware device corresponding to the container in the Link EHANDBOOK containers to Hardware Devices dialog

CANape_link hardware device
  • The measurement navigation toolbar should appear towards the bottom of your EHANDBOOK NAVIGATOR application.


It is your responsibility to load the relevant measurement file in EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR and assign the correct hardware device. Otherwise the measurement values could be different than seen in CANape for the synchronized time cursors.

Configuring Model Blocks to Show/Hide Measurement Values and Cursors

Before starting the visualization of measurement variables, the model blocks representing measurement variables must be configured to display/hide values. You have the option of configuring a single block at a time or configuring all the blocks that are visible in the interactive model, displayed in the Model Viewer. This can be done through either the Display Value context menu option for individual variables or the Display all values button available in the status bar. The model blocks must be configured only after a connection has been established with the CANape application.

  • Right-click on the measurement variable you want to configure.
    A context menu is displayed.

  • Select Display Value to configure the block to display the value of the measurement variable.

  • Select Hide Value to configure the block to hide the value of the measurement variable.

To configure all the blocks, visible in the interactive model displayed in the Model Viewer, to show values:

  • Click Display all values in the Status bar.

  • Go to Data menu, select Display all Values.

  • Press <CTRL+SHIFT+D>.

To configure all the blocks, visible in the interactive model displayed in the Model Viewer, to hide values:

  • Click Hide all values in the Status bar.

  • Go to Data menu, select Hide all Values.

  • Press <CTRL+SHIFT+H>.

You should now be able to see annotated measurement values beside the signals. The measurement navigation toolbar gets enabled to be edited by the user. You should already see the latest cursor values coming from the CANape project and corresponding measurement values annotated to the signals in the model editor.

Changing Cursors in CANape application

To enable cursors and move them in CANape application:

  • Switch back to connected CANape project and select the Graphic menu

  • If Measurement Cursor is enabled, you will see single time cursor in the graphical window.

  • If Difference Cursoris enabled, you will see two time cursors in the graphical window.

  • Move either of the two cursors by dragging them left or right side to position them to desired time stamps.

Cursor values transferred to EHANDBOOK NAVIGATOR

  • As soon as the position of cursor is moved in the CANape application, the corresponding values are transferred to EHANDBOOK NAIGATOR in the measurement navigation toolbar.


The cursors are fetched from Canape only when the measurement value for at least a single label is displayed in the model. Otherwise the change of cursors are not fetched by the EHANDBOOK NAVIGATOR.

Disconnecting from the Running CANape application

It is possible to disconnect from the CANape application to which EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR has already established a connection. The cursors will not be synchronized if disconnected.

To disconnect the running CANape application:

  • Go to Data menu and select None.

  • Select None in the Data Source drop-down menu on the Status bar.

All the labels that were added in EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR will be removed.
