Version 11.0 (March 2023)

Enhanced Bookmarking Feature

  • Easily memorize places in the ECU software documentation.

  • Create bookmarks for places in textual documentation and interactive models directly from the content.

  • Use bookmarks with different EHANDBOOK Container files.


Support for area and annotation blocks

In Simulink, blocks of type area and annotation are often used to mark special areas. A typical characteristic is that they have a colored background, and that they are used as a background for other blocks.

So far, area blocks were not yet supported in EHANDBOOK. While annotation blocks were already supported, there where, however, issues with overlapping annotation blocks.

With EHANDBOOK 11.0, the Z-order for area and annotation blocks is not evaluated during the conversion to an interactive model. Through this, these blocks can now be properly rendered in EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR - even in case of overlaps.

Area and annotation blocks are only displayed in default layout. In automatic layout, they are not shown as they might appear in a wrong place.

Support for Simulink block descriptions

In Simulink models, non-referenced masked blocks can have a block description that can even be customized by the modeler. The block description can contain valuable information to understand the meaning of a block.

In EHANDBOOK-NAVIGATOR, the block description is now available as a tooltip upon hovering over the block.

New CLI option -simlibfile

To convert and render Simulink models appropriately, EHANDBOOK Container-Build (or UGG) must know the paths to all Simulink libraries that are used by a Simulink model. (For details, refer to How to support Simulink libraries in EHANDBOOK).

So far, EHANDBOOK Container-Build provided the CLI option -simlib which required to pass all Simulink library paths as a String. To simplify passing Simulink library paths to EHANDBOOK Container-Build, there is a new CLI option to pass them as a confioguration file in JSON format. For details, refer to CLI options for EHB-CB.

Highlight Error and Warning messages in console window

Errors and warning messages are now highlighted in color in the console window. Through this, important messages can be identified more easily.

Root-level skipping for UGG generated interactive models

Root-level skipping is a feature where the entry level of an ASCET or Simulink-based interactive model is adjusted in such a way that certain unnecessary root-levels are skipped. This feature was supported for the standard EHB-CB approach where ASCET and Simulink models are converted, but not for the incremental EHB-CB approach where pre-generated UGG artifacts are processed. With EHANDBOOK 11.0, root-level skipping is now also supported for pre-generated UGG artifacts.